The South Carolina Farm Bureau Young Farmer and Rancher committee has announced a school garden mini-grant for teachers in public or private schools. This program will provide a $500 mini-grant to a school in each of the four SC Farm Bureau disctricts for teachers who meet the qualifications of the application. Teachers will have to design a project garden that contains production agriculture crops (i.e. wheat, corn, oats, peanuts, fruit and/or vegetables). They will have to clearly present their goals and objectives, centered around the involvement of their students.
If awarded, the mini-grant recepients will have to work under the advisement of a county Farm Bureau volunteer leader, preferably a Young Farmer and Ranger member, county Farm Bureau Board member, or county Women's Committee member.
Project proposals and applications are due October 1, 2012. Applicants may only submit one proposal per year. Mail completed applications to:
SC Farm Bureau
P.O. Box 754Columbia, SC 29202
or fax to: 803.936.4452
Awards will be announced in February of 2013.
This is a great effort that will help teach school children that agriculture is still an integral part of our everyday environment. Don't miss out on this excellent opportunity to add to your school garden program!