In an effort to teach school children that agriculture is an integral part of our everyday environment, the SC Farm Bureau Young Farmer and Rancher program will offer a classroom garden mini-grant program for teachers in public and private schools.
The mini-grant program will provide a $500 mini-grant to a school in each of the four South Carolina Farm Bureau districts for teachers who qualify through an application process.
Teachers must design a project garden that contains production agriculture crops such as wheat, corn, oats, peanuts, fruit and/or garden vegetables. Goals and objectives must be clearly stated and measurable, and the project must directly involve their students.
Proposals must be submitted on a SCFB mini-grant application form which is available at county Farm Bureau offices or by clicking here. Deadline for applications is October 1 and applicants may submit only one proposal per year. Mail to PO Box 754, Columbia, SC 29202 or fax to 803.936.4452.