In order for a school to
participate in the Farm to School program they must abide by a set of
criteria. They must promote the Certified SC Grown program with signage,
serve at least two SC Grown fruits or vegetables in the cafeteria, incorporate
agriculture and nutrition into lesson plans and construct a school
garden. To assist schools with establishing a garden, the Farm to School
program hosted two SC School Garden Workshops this summer. Both workshops
were hands-on, designed for all skill levels and spotlighted successful Farm to
School gardens in South Carolina. There were presentations from regional
garden educators and experts and demonstrations of “square foot
gardening”. Participants even made and took home fantastic garden crafts.
Each workshop had over 50 attendees and they were considered huge
successes. The SC Farm to School program is excited to see how attendees
improve upon their school gardens and hope they implement strategies discussed
at the workshops.